me: [wants to talk about ocs w people]
me: [hasn’t produced nearly enough content for anything to make any kind of sense to anyone who hasn’t been living in my head for the past six years]
me: fuck




the well known Harry Potter cycle

Step 1: thinking Snape is a bad guy

Step 2: thinking Snape is a good guy

Step 3: realising as you mature as a person that Snape was actually a terrible person after all and was an abusive bully who didn’t grown out of this stage even into his late 30s and an obsessive person who thought he was entitled to Lily just because she showed him friendship and no matter how many bias memories of his you are shown you will never see him in any different way 

unfortunately some people are still stuck in stage 2

Step 4: Realizing Dumbledore was manipulative and abusive as well and not the infallible person everyone believed him to be.

Step 5: Discovering that the only person as golden as their reputation portrayed and knew what the fuck was going on was Minerva McGonagall and she was amazing.

hammy: eliza as long as you’re alive I’ll make sure you never feel so helpless
me: ʷʰʸ ᵗʰᵉ fᵘͨᵏ ʸºᵘ ˡʸʸʸ’ⁿ, ʷʰʸ ʸºᵘ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ˡʸʸʸ’ⁿ, ᵐᵐᵐᵐᵐᵐ ºʰ ᵐʸ ᵍºᵈ ˢᵗºp fᵘͨᵏ’ⁿ ˡʸʸʸ’ⁿ


you’re always welcome to talk to me about:

  • the fact that The Room Where It Happens goes hard as fuck
  • the cabinet battles being the most merciless fucking things you’ve ever heard
  • angelica and eliza being ride or die as all hell
  • how amazing farmer refuted is
  • basically hamilton come talk to me about hamilton


Things Alexander Hamilton does not have:

  • A dollar to his name
  • An acre of land
  • A troop to command
  • A dollop of fame
  • (the ability to keep it in his pants)

Things Alexander Hamilton does have

  • Honor
  • Tolerance for Pain
  • A couple of college credits
  • His top notch brain