
you know when you’re talking w/ someone and you just feel.. Warm. like.. not.. warmth temperature-wise but just this.. sense of overall coziness like on an emotional level speaking w/ them is the equivalent of whenever you step into a patch of sunlight… that’s something


fight club remake starring helena bonham carter, her character is the same except she’s the protag. the brad pitt character is played by sarah paulson. they form an all-female underground terrorist org but without the fighting aspect. sp represents the person hbc wishes she could be if she felt she had a right to express her anger. there’s a scene where sp is in the bath smoking a cigarette and says “we’re a generation of women abandoned by men, I’m starting to wonder if another man is really what we need.” hbc doesn’t kill sarah paulson at the end, instead they both kill the ed norton character and hold hands as they watch capitalism burn to the ground